A blog by Michael Cook Jr., Min., B.S.M.
![]() Do we truly know how to love? I mean all the songs, all the ideologies on how to love, all the books, can we say we truly know how to love? Love is a great thing if we truly understand what it is. One thing that we must establish from this verse is that the law is not done away with, Gods law still stands and is in full effect. So, a question was posed, out of all these commandments which is the greatest? Now this was coming from a lawyer who was in a heated conversation with some Sadducees and Pharisees over which law is the greatest law. So, they turn to Messiah and posed a question. What we can learn from Messiah's response is that there are 2 greatest commands. The first is Love The Most High and the second is to Love your neighbor. Let's start off with the first and greatest command, To Love The Most High. ![]() We all face some type of circumstance in our lives and the best way to get through our storm is to make sure we take care of our mental. We have to take care of ourselves because oftentimes our mental, our mind gets neglected, our emotional management gets neglected, our anger management gets neglected, and it is all because we are too caught up in the world and too focused on others happiness or emotional punching bag. Now this information as an adult will presenting a motivated spirit within to allow you to use tools to navigate your storm but what if this was taught in full spectrum starting at a younger age? 4/25/2023 1 Comment How Is Your Faith Dead?![]() A lot of us are walking around thinking we are saved and highly favored, having the faith of a mustard seed when in fact we are walking around dead without knowing it. Please note this, it is impossible to please The Father without Faith, without a living faith The Father, Our Creator is not pleased with our dead faith. Action is what is needed, workings to activate said faith which then in turn pleases the Father. Abraham was accounted righteous because of His Faith and when we look at Abrahams story, we see that his faith involved plenty of work, plenty of walking it out. See, Faith is the thing that sustains us, that keeps us but what is this faith that we are supposed to have? Our Faith, this faith that we are to walk in requires you to be honest with yourself. This Christian Faith, This Hebrew Roots Messianic Faith requires you 2 Things: Faith and Works ![]() If we want to develop ourselves and become better than we were yesterday, it's crucial to focus on the things we surround ourselves with. When you look at it, those who surround themselves with positive typically see problems in a different light. Why being aware of who and what we surround ourselves with is essential for personal growth you may ask. Well, let's talk about it. |
AuthorFor over 2 Decades specializing in strategic problem navigation for Fortune 500 Company Support, being involved in the community, relating to and teaching others how to develop emotional intelligence, Coach Mike II has the mind of a mentor giving others the tools to become more aware of self and becoming more in tune with the spirit within. Archives
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